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Skincare Benefits of Bubbly!

Wondering what to do with the extra champagne you have post-holiday? While we 100% recommend popping open a bottle of bubbly to keep the party going into 2016, it also makes a fabulous facial toner!

Skincare benefits of bubbly. Grape seed extract, champagne, facial toner

Facial toner is an excellent way to detoxify and balance the natural pH of your skin post-cleansing. Toner also helps to soften skin, unclog pores and even out your complexion.

Champagne contains high levels of grape seed extract, which means it is packed with antioxidants! Grape seed extract contains more vitamin C and E than most anti-aging products and it helps to slow the breakdown of collagen and elastin in the skin by protecting against environmental free radicals and oxidative stress. Our Infinity Waterproof Eyebrow Liner™ contains L-ascorbic acid, the most stable form of vitamin C. 

Your favorite bottle of bubbly also contains tartaric acid, an alpha-hydroxy acid found naturally in many plants. Alpha-hydroxy acids help to lighten and even out hyperpigmentation in the skin due to overexposure to sun (sun-spots) or melasma. Grapes, cranberries, tamarinds and bananas have significant sources of tartaric acid.

Try it by simply soaking a cotton pad with room temperature or chilled champagne, then apply to your face after cleansing making sure to avoid the eye area.

As with all new skincare products, be sure to patch test on your neck or hands if you have sensitive skin. If you have dry skin, start out by using this toner 1-2 times per week. For those with oily or combination skin, use daily.

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